1. Select clade, organism, assembly and protein factor:
2. Select an experiment (cell line/tissue, treatment):
3. Select a regulatory domain:
4. Select p-value and GO domain:
Function tool help users predict the functions of DNA-binding proteins by performing GO (Gene ontology) enrichment analysis on their transcriptional targets.
The enrichment analysis will be determined by using a hypergeometric test and FDR correction.
How to use:
1) Select factor: Pull down the "Protein factor" menu to choose your interested factor.
2) Select experiment: Pull down the selective menu to restrict the analysis on the selected cell line (tissue) or condition.
3) Select regulatory domain: Pull down the selective menus to restrict the analysis on the selected regulatory domain.
4) Select motif status: The motif status declares whether there are any binding motifs of the selected factor within the selected regualtory domain. The "All", "Y" and "N" link to "Analyze with all", "Analyze with motifs" and "Analyze without motifs", respectively. All the binding motifs data are identified by ChIPBase.
6) Select p-value: Pull down the "Adjusted p-value" menu to filter the analysis results.
7) Select GO domain: Pull down the "GO domain" menu to assign examined GO terms to the analysis.
8) Browse results: Click "Submit" to perform the GO analysis based on the selected conditions.