Browse binding motifs of DNA-binding protein identified from ChIP-Seq data

1. Select clade, organism, assembly and protein factor:

2. Select an experiment and browse it's binding motif:

Browse Sample Id Cell line Refseq Source Accession Reference Pubmed Software
Sample Id Cell line Refseq Source Accession Reference Pubmed Software
About Motif module

Motif provides users with a platform to visulize the binding motifs of transcription factors by de novo analyzing the ChIP-Seq data.
In ChIPBase, all the motifs data are display as PWMs, visualized motif logos and binding sites.

How to use:
1) Select factor: Pull down the "Protein factor" menu to get your interested factor.
2) Select experiment and browse: You can filter the selective tables above to get your interested experiment condition.
3) Click "Browse" to browse the related motifs.