CLIP-Data >= regionType=
Degradome-Data >= 0
target: all

The miRNA-circRNA Interactions Supported by Ago CLIP-seq Data

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BindID miRNAID miRNA MatchGeneID MatchGeneName GeneType TargetSite Start End strand Alignment align targetSeq Type TDMDScore AgoExpNum CleaveExpNum AGOStats AGOclipNum phyloP lineID
BindID miRNAID miRNA MatchGeneID MatchGeneName GeneType TargetSite Start End strand Alignment align targetSeq Type TDMDScore AgoExpNum CleaveExpNum AGOStats AGOclipNum phyloP lineID


Here, we presented the miRNA-target interactions by intersecting the predicting target sites of miRNAs with binding sites of Ago protein, which were derived from CLIP-seq data.

We also introduced a new algorithm called TDMDScore to systematically scan the miRNA-target interactions and evaluated the potential interactions that triggered target-directed microRNA degradation (TDMD).

A higher TDMDScore indicates that the miRNA-target is more likely to trigger the TDMD.

The interactions of miRNA-circRNA were predicted by using miRanda program.


Select the miRNA: all
Select the target: all
Refine results with high stringency of CLIP Data: 3
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