motif: UGCAUG

Scan Motifs from de novo identified RBP-binding motifs library based on CLIP-seq data

SampleID MotifSeqLogo MotifSeq Length RBP Target(%) TargetNum log10(pval) ClipType Cell/Tissue pdf PWM Region
SampleID MotifSeqLogo MotifSeq Length RBP Target(%) TargetNum log10(pval) ClipType Cell/Tissue pdf PWM Region


Here, we presented the motif scan results of UGCAUG motif from the binding motifs of RBPs which were de novo identified by using homer software.


Select a Genome: hg38
Enter a Motif sequence: UGCAUG
Please noted that IUPAC nucleotide codes are also supported (eg. BGCNUG)! Users can filter the results by searching in the table. The searchable columns are allowed using comparison operators like ">=", "<=", ">", "<" and "=". The ">=" is set by default.