RBP: all
CLIP-Data >= 1
target: CDR1as

The RBP-circRNA Interactions Supported by CLIP-seq Data

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RBP GeneID GeneName GeneType ClusterNum ClipExpNum ClipSiteNum lineID
RBP GeneID GeneName GeneType ClusterNum ClipExpNum ClipSiteNum lineID


Here, we presented the RBP-RNA interactions supported by the binding sites of RBPs derived from CLIP-seq data. All identified binding sites within 200bp of a RBP will be defined as a RBP-binding cluster.

Please note that 'NA' values in HepG2(shRNA/CRISPR) or K562(shRNA/CRISPR) columns mean that there were no siginificant (FDR <= 0.1) changes of gene expressions detected following RBP silcencing (knockout) or the RNA-seq data of RBP silencing (knockout) were not available.


Select the RBP: all
Select the target: CDR1as
Refine results with high stringency of CLIP Data: 3
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