lineID | GeneID | GeneName | GeneType | PairGeneID | PairGeneName | PairGeneType | Interactions | ExpNum | SeqTypeNum | TotalReads | FreeEnergy | AlignScore | MaxConMatch |
lineID | GeneID | GeneName | GeneType | PairGeneID | PairGeneName | PairGeneType | Interactions | ExpNum | SeqTypeNum | TotalReads | FreeEnergy | AlignScore | MaxConMatch |
Here, we presented the interaction network of miRNA-RNA identified from high-throughput sequencing data of RNA-RNA interactome, such as LIGR-Seq, PARIS, SPLASH.
Select a Query gene: hsa-let-7a-5p
Select the Interaction Number: 1
Select the Experiment Num: 1
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