hitMiRnum >= 2
p-val <= 0.05
FDR <= 0.05
pan-Cancer >= 0

The ceRNA Interation Network of SKP1P1 in Human

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lineID ceRNAgeneID ceRNAname ceRNAType GeneID GeneName GeneType HitMiRnum p-val FDR Pan-Cancer
lineID ceRNAgeneID ceRNAname ceRNAType GeneID GeneName GeneType HitMiRnum p-val FDR Pan-Cancer


Here, we presented the ceRNA networks from thousands of interactions of miRNA-targets supported by CLIP-seq data. The results could be examined by p-value and False Discovery Rate (FDR).


Select a ceRNA gene: SKP1P1
Select cutoff for common miRNA family number: 2
Select cutoff for P-value: 0.05
Select cutoff for FDR: 0.05
Explore the ceRNA networks with Pan-Cancer analysis: 5
Users can filter the results by searching in the table. The searchable columns are allowed using comparison operators like ">=", "<=", ">", "<" and "=". The ">=" is set by default.