Gene: SNORA12
Interactions: >= 1
Experiments: >= 1

The sncRNA-RNA Interation Network in human

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lineID GeneID GeneName GeneType PairGeneID PairGeneName PairGeneType Interactions ExpNum SeqTypeNum TotalReads FreeEnergy AlignScore MaxConMatch
lineID GeneID GeneName GeneType PairGeneID PairGeneName PairGeneType Interactions ExpNum SeqTypeNum TotalReads FreeEnergy AlignScore MaxConMatch


Here, we presented the interaction network of sncRNA-RNA identified from high-throughput sequencing data of RNA-RNA interactome, such as LIGR-Seq, PARIS, SPLASH.


Select a Query gene: SNORD20
Select the Interaction Number: 1
Select the Experiment Num: 1
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